saveRDS(snakemake, snakemake@log$snakemake)
source(snakemake@params$setup, echo=FALSE)

dataset    <- snakemake@wildcards$dataset
annotation <- snakemake@wildcards$annotation
padj_cutoff <- snakemake@config$aberrantSplicing$padjCutoff
deltaPsi_cutoff <- snakemake@config$aberrantSplicing$deltaPsiCutoff

fds <- loadFraserDataSet(file=snakemake@input$fdsin)
hasExternal <- length(levels(colData(fds)$isExternal) > 1)

Number of samples: 100

Number of introns: 110839

Number of splice sites: 211180

# used for most plots
dataset_title <- paste0("Dataset: ", dataset, "--", annotation)

Hyperparameter optimization

for(type in psiTypes){
  g <- plotEncDimSearch(fds, type=type) 
  if (!is.null(g)) {
    g <- g + theme_cowplot(font_size = 16) + 
      ggtitle(paste0("Q estimation, ", type)) + theme(legend.position = "none")

Aberrantly spliced genes per sample

plotAberrantPerSample(fds, type=psiTypes, 
                      padjCutoff = padj_cutoff, deltaPsiCutoff = deltaPsi_cutoff,
                      aggregate=TRUE, main=dataset_title) + 
  theme_cowplot(font_size = 16) +
  theme(legend.position = "top")

Batch Correlation: samples x samples

topN <- 30000
topJ <- 10000
anno_color_scheme <- brewer.pal(n = 3, name = 'Dark2')[1:2]

for(type in psiTypes){
  for(normalized in c(F,T)){
    hm <- plotCountCorHeatmap(
      type = type,
      logit = TRUE,
      topN = topN,
      topJ = topJ,
      plotType = "sampleCorrelation",
      normalized = normalized,
      annotation_col = "isExternal",
      annotation_row = NA,
      sampleCluster = NA,
      minDeltaPsi = minDeltaPsi,
      plotMeanPsi = FALSE,
      plotCov = FALSE,
      annotation_legend = TRUE,
      annotation_colors = list(isExternal = c("FALSE" = anno_color_scheme[1], "TRUE" = anno_color_scheme[2]))


res <- fread(snakemake@input$results)

Total gene-level splicing outliers: 278

file <- snakemake@output$res_html
write_tsv(res, file = file)

Download FRASER results table